Whether you need to make some extra cash or you simply feel like having a bit more spending money, there are plenty of ways you can earn money from home. Many of the ideas we’re looking at are great for topping up your income or providing a bit of extra cash for a rainy day. Here are four different ways you could make a bit more money from the comfort of your own home.
Rent out your space
If you live in a prime location such as near an important sporting location or concert hall then there’s an easy money-maker literally on your doorstep. Rent out your parking space or your garage to people looking to park for big events. If it’s the derby and you live a stone’s throw from Old Trafford you can be sure plenty of people will be willing to pay a premium for your space and there are plenty of events throughout the sporting calendar that could net you some cash.
There are web companies building up networks of people willing to rent their drives and garages so signing up can be quick and easy.
Mystery Shopping
OK so this does involve leaving your home but it’s for a worthy cause. You can get paid to shop, eat out or even stop by your local pub. You’ll be paid a fee by a firm to visit a specified location and your expenses will also be covered up to a set point too. Anything from a three course meal to a week’s shopping can be covered for free and you’ll also get a fee for writing up your report. There’s definitely money to be made in this area.
There are many agencies who specialise in mystery shopping across the UK who you can find in your local phone directory or via the web.
Selling Online
Pretty much anything you own can be sold online and if you’re planning to make a mini business out of it then you better start digging through your cupboards. Your junk may be treasure for somebody else and you could get a fantastic sum of money for your old Mac that’s been languishing at the back of a cupboard for months. There are specialist sites you can use as well as more generalised opportunities and you can be sure if you don’t want something there’s somebody out there who does!
Market Research
There are a number of companies out there who will pay you for your thoughts through surveys and questionnaires. Many of these companies are helping bigger brands make decisions about the products they’ll sell and they are willing to pay a small amount for genuine market research.
You can sign up to many specialised agencies and then keep your eye out for opportunities. Some may pay pennies, others pounds and others may offer you free products. All of these opportunities are worth taking as you never know where they might lead.
These are just some suggestions which could be exactly what you need to add a little extra cash to your annual income.
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